The Volcano Explains Everything—Or Does It?
Does this crater from an ancient volcanic eruption hold the answer to the mysteries of the Exodus?
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Hershel Shanks, “The Exodus and the Crossing of the Red Sea, According to Hans Goedicke,” BAR 07:05.
Manfred Bietak, “Israelites Found in Egypt,” BAR 29:05.
This was proposed by Robert Ritner (University of Chicago), Karen Foster (Yale University) and Ellen Davis (Queens College).
Atomic Institute of the Austrian Universities, and the special research program SCIEM2000 (The Synchronisation of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
J.C. Darnell, “Die fruhalphabetischen Inschriften im Wadi el-Hol,” in Der Turmbau zu Babel, Ursprung und Vielfalt von Sprache und Schrift, vol. 3A (Die Schrift: Vienna and Milano, 2003), pp. 165–171. See also the newest study by O. Goldwasser, “For a Late 12th Dynasty Date of the Proto-Sinaitic Script,” Egypt and the Levant 17 (forthcoming).
See Thomas Schneider, “Mythos und Zeitgeschichte in der 30. Dynastie,” in A. Brodbeck, ed., Ein ägyptisches Glasperlenspiel (Berlin 1998: pp. 207–242). I am grateful to Erich Winter, University Trier, Germany, for consultation.