Two digs in Israel—at Kinneret and at Tel Tsaf-were unable to contact us in time to be include in this issue’s Dig section but are very eager to accept volunters.
The Kinneret site, located on a hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee, contains remains of what was one of the largest cities in Iron Age Israel, notable for its fortifications and its high degree of urban planning. The excavation team, led by Jürgen Zangenberg (University of Wuppertal), Juha Pakkala (University of Helsinki) and Stefan Münger (University of Bern), intends to prepare an Iron Age I (1200–1000 B.C.) domestic complex for publication and restore an Iron Age II (1000–586 B.C.) pillared building. The dig begins August 7 and will last through September 2. For information, contact Mrs. Kirsi Valkama at kirsi.valkama@helsinki.fi.
Tsaf, in the Jordan Valley 7 miles south of Beth-Shean, contains remains from the Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic eras (fifth millenium B.C.) Thus far copious pottery of a rare type (described as Tsafian ware), flint and animal bones have been found, as well as the shaft of a water well. The excavation team, directed by Yosef Garfinkel (Hebrew University) and Yorke Rowan (Notre Dame), plans to use this season to excavate the well, expose buildings and collect botanical and animal samples for radiocarbon dating. The season will last from July 3 to August 12. For information, contact Yorke Rowan at 574–631-7419 or yrowan@nd.edu.
Two digs in Israel—at Kinneret and at Tel Tsaf-were unable to contact us in time to be include in this issue’s Dig section but are very eager to accept volunters.