
Sand, Sun, Fun—A Guide to Digs in 2000

Can you dig it? You bet! Archaeology is a volunteer’s dream, with anyone and everyone welcome to take part in an excavation. Are you a college student? Come dig for credit! Do you teach nine months a year? Spend your summer getting your hands dirty. Are you retired and looking for an adventurous vacation? […]

Guide to Sites

We’re proud to present the Year 2000 guide to excavations that need volunteers. Learn about the history of each site, who’s doing the work and what their plans are for the coming summer. The contact information for each site appears on the chart on pages 40–43. But if you aren’t sure you want to […]

Abraham’s Ur: Is the Pope Going to the Wrong Place?

Pope John Paul II is planning a millennium pilgrimage in 2000 that will take him to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sinai—and Iraq! Why Iraq? Because that is where the patriarch Abraham was born—at Ur. But wait a minute. The Pope may be going to the wrong Ur. Perhaps he should be going to Turkey. More […]

Abraham’s Ur: Did Woolley Excavate the Wrong Place?

The ancient woodwork has perished, the metal has been stripped from the walls,” Sir Leonard Woolley wrote in 1936. “The ruins which excavation lays bare are but skeletons from which the skin and flesh have gone, and to re-create them in imagination we must use such evidence as the ruins may afford, eked […]

Bethsaida Rediscovered
Long-lost city found north of Galilee shore By Rami Arav, Richard A. Freund, John F. Shroder Jr.

Bethsaida is the town that disappeared. Soon after playing a prominent role in the Gospels—Bethsaida is mentioned more often in the New Testament than any city except Jerusalem and Capernaum—this fishing village on the Sea of Galilee simply became lost to history. Early Christian pilgrims went in search of it, but they had no […]


Trundholm, Denmark
