If you would like to join an excavation in 2020, here are some opportunities. Visit www.biblicalarchaeology.org/digs for additional information, including a full description of each site, the excavation’s goals for the coming season, important finds from past seasons, biblical connections, and profiles of dig directors. The right archaeological expedition for you is just a click away!

Abel Beth Maacah
June 28–July 24
Robert Mullins, Nava Panitz-Cohen, Naama Yahalom-Mack

Abila of the Decapolis
May 27–July 4
David Vila

Antiochia ad Cragum (in Turkey)
June 15–August 14
Michael Hoff, Rhys Townsend, Ece Erdogmus, Birol Can, Tim Howe

July 25–August 20
Oded Lipschits, Manfred Oeming, Yuval Gadot

June 26–July 24
Mordechai Aviam, R. Steven Notley

Hazor Lower City
June 28–July 17
Yosef Garfinkel, Assaf Yasur-Landau, Eric Cline

June 28–July 23
Michael Eisenberg, Arleta Kowalewska

Khirbet al-Ra‘i
January 26–February 13
Yosef Garfinkel, Kyle Keimer, Sa’ar Ganor

Khirbet ‘Auja el-Foqa
February 9–20
David Ben-Shlomo, Ralph Hawkins

Khirbet Majduliyya
July 5–23; September 6–16
David Ben-Shlomo, Ralph Hawkins, Mechael Osband

Khirbet Safra
May 24–July 3
Paul Z. Gregor

Mt. Zion
July 3-23
Shimon Gibson, Rafi Lewis, James D. Tabor

May 25–June 19
James R. Strange, Mordechai Aviam, Tom McCullough

Tel Akko
June 28–July 27
Ann E. Killebrew, Michal Artzy

Tel Burna
June 28–July 24
Itzhaq Shai, Steven Ortiz

Tel Dan
June 14–July 17
David Ilan, Yifat Thareani, Jonathan Greer

Tel Dor
July 2020
Ilan Sharon, Assaf Yasur-Landau, S. Rebecca Martin

Tel Hadid
June 14–July 3
Ido Koch, Dan Warner, Eli Yannai, Jim Parker

Tel Hazor
June 21–July 31
Amnon Ben-Tor, Shlomit Bechar

Tel Lachish
July 12–August 7
Felix Höflmayer, Katharina Streit

Tel Megiddo
June 20–July 16
Israel Finkelstein, Matthew Adams, Mario Martin

Tel Moẓa
March 21–April 3
Shua Kisilevitz, Oded Lipschits

Tel Shimron
June 21–July 31
Daniel Master, Mario Martin

Tel Tsaf
June 28–July 27
Danny Rosenberg, Florian Klimscha

Tell Abu Shusha
July 26–August 13
Avner Ecker, Benjamin Gordon

Tell es-Safi/Gath
June 28–July 24
Aren Maeir

February 7–18
Erez Ben-Yosef