“Now so great was the prudence and wisdom which God granted Solomon that he surpassed the ancients, and even the Egyptians … He composed a thousand and five books of odes and songs, and three thousand books of parables and similitudes, for he spoke a parable about every kind of tree from the hyssop to the cedar … There was no form of nature with which he was not acquainted or which he passed over without examining, but he studied them all philosophically and revealed the most complete knowledge of their several properties. And God granted him knowledge of the art used against demons for the benefit and healing of men …

But Solomon, carried away by thoughtless pleasure … took as wives seven hundred women … and was forced to give a sign of his favor and affection for them by living in accordance with their ancient customs. As he advanced in age, and his reason became too feeble to oppose to these the memory of his own country’s practices, he showed still greater disrespect to his own God and continued to honor those whom his wives had introduced … [T]here came a prophet sent by God, who told him that his unlawful acts had not escaped Him, and threatened that … while in his lifetime he should not be deprived of his kingdom since the Deity had promised his father David to make him his successor, on his death He would cause this to befall Solomon’s son and … would deliver ten tribes to his servant and leave only two to David’s grandson for the sake of David himself, because he had loved God, and for the sake of Jerusalem, in which He wished to have a temple.”

(Antiquities of the Jews 8.39–198)