The Problem of Ai
New theory rejects the battle as described in the Bible but explains how the story evolved
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Characteristic of a philosophical system founded by August Comte, concerned with positive fact and phenomena, and excluding speculation upon ultimate causes or origins.
The Arabic name Khirbet et-Tell (literally, “the ruin of the tell”) is sometimes used to support the identification of the site as Biblical Ai. The Arabic name, it is claimed, is a translation of the Hebrew ha-‘Ai, which supposedly also refers to “the ruin,” especially as the Hebrew name always appears with the definite article, ha-‘Ai. On philological grounds, however, any connection between the Hebrew name and the Arabic name for the site is to be rejected. The Arabic term tell refers to a hill or mound on which there is a ruin, as distinguished from khirba
Ha-‘Ai is commonly associated with the Hebrew words ‘iy, ‘iyyi
Furthermore, the Arabic name is not unique. Six other sites with the name et-Tell occur in the areas of Jenin, Nablus (two sites), Jerusalem, Ramleh, and the Golan Heights (J. M. Grintz, “Ai Which Is Beside Beth-Aven: A Reexamination of the Identity of ‘Ai,” Biblica 42 [1961], p. 208; C. Epstein and S. Gutman, “The Golan,” in M. Kochavi, ed., Judea, Samaria, and The Golan: Archaeological Survey 1967–68 [Jerusalem, 1972], p. 276). Similarly, in addition to the Canaanite and later Israelite site being discussed in this paper, an Ammonite city called Ai (‘ay, in Hebrew, without the definite article) is mentioned in Jeremiah 49:3.
W. F. Albright, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (BASOR) 74 (1939), pp. 11–23.
Y. Elitsur, “The Boundary Line Between Benjamin and Ephraim” in U. Simon and M. Goshen-Gottstein, eds., Studies in Bible and Exegesis (Ramat Gan, 1980), pp. 7–14 (in Hebrew).
Thus, at Khirbet H
Excavations at Khirbet Khudriya, approximately 750 meters east of Deir Dibwan, conducted in 1966 and 1968, revealed only a Byzantine church and an industrial area. The earliest material discovered at this site was late Hellenistic (J. A. Callaway, “The 1968–1969 ’Ai [et-Tell] Excavations,” BASOR 198 [1970], pp. 10–12).
Surface exploration of Khirbet el-H
An intensive survey of a fifth site, an unnamed tell located about two miles southwest of Beitin, indicated that there had been no Middle Bronze-Late Bronze occupation. Although there may have been a small Iron Age settlement on the site, its major periods of growth and development were Roman and Byzantine (R. B. Blizzard, “Intensive Systematic Surface Collection at Livingston’s Proposed Site for Biblical Ai,” Westminster Theological Journal 36 [1973–74], pp. 224–225).
J. Callaway, “New Evidence on the Conquest of ‘Ai,” Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968), pp. 316–19.
A. Kuschke, “Hiwwiter in Ha‘Ai?” Wort und geschichte, festschrift … K. Elliger (=) Alter Orient and Altes Testament 18 [1973]), pp. 117–19; Y. Yadin, “Is the Biblical Account of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan Historically Reliable?” BAR 08:02.
This wadi is Wadi el-Jaya. It comprises the steep paper-clip shaped valley north of the tell where contour lines 850–700 appear to bend back on themselves.
J. Callaway, “Excavating at Ai (et-Tell) 1964–1972,” Biblical Archeologist (BA) 39 (1976), p. 29.
Y. Shiloh, “Elements in the Development of Town Planning in the Israelite City,” Israel Exploration Journal 28 (1978), pp. 44–46.
Y. Shiloh, “The Population of Iron Age Palestine in the Light of a Sample Analysis of Urban Plans, Areas, and Population Density,” BASOR 239 (1980), p. 30; cf. M. Broshi, “Estimating the Population of Ancient Jerusalem,” BAR 04:02. Callaway suggests that the population of the site was 150 (“A Visit with Ahilud,” BAR 09:05). His figure represents only the population of the 20 excavated Iron Age houses. Mine is based on a maximalist assumption that all the “acropolis” area constituted the inhabited town. The presence of public, uninhabited space within a town is built into the density coefficient so that it may be used when the inhabited area is known and is not restricted to excavated areas alone (cf. Shiloh, BASOR 1980, pp. 29–30). The most recent discussion of this topic by Gus W. Van Beek supports the plausibility of Shiloh’s figures (“A Population Estimate for Mareb: A Contemporary Tell Village in Northern Yemen,” BASOR 248 [1982], pp. 61–67, esp. pp. 64–67 and notes 4, 6).
The Hebrew text does not read, “they pursued them from in front of the gate to the seba