
Why Jesus Went Back to Galilee

Why did Jesus go back to preach in Galilee? The question may seem a silly one. After all, he was a native of Nazareth in Galilee, and it was natural that he should preach to his own people. The prophet Amos, however, came from Tekoa (Amos 1:1), a village that differed little from […]

Giving Eve’s Daughters Their Due

30 Great Women of the Bible in Art and Literature by Dorothée Sölle, Joe H. Kirchberger and Herbert Haag (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994), 295 pp., $75.00 “Great! Women of the Bible in Art and Literature” is my emended reading of this title. There are 25 of them here, beginning with Eve and her […]

Deuteronomy’s Theological Revolution

King Josiah of Judah instituted a religious reform in 622 B.C.E. that scholars refer to simply as Josiah’s Reform. It might well be called the Deuteronomic Reform. Israelite religion would never be the same.


The Son of David and King of the Jews
The Romans knew quite well why they condemned Jesus: Because of the claim to the kingship of Israel. By Helmut Koester
The Persistence of Chaos in God’s Creation
Order and chaos belong together in God’s creation, but potential chaos of another kind was introduced when God created human beings endowed with freedom. By Bernhard W. Anderson