
Healing Waters
The Social World of Hot Springs in Roman Palestine By Estee Dvorjetski

Some of the most famous hot-spring spas in the ancient world lie along the Syrian-African rift. This great gash in the Earth’s mantle extends from Asia Minor in the north to east Africa in the south, with the Jordan Valley in between. The hot springs are a byproduct of the volcanic activity and earthquakes […]

Contrasting Insights of Biblical Giants

028 Hershel Shanks: I have known each of you for many years. And I know that the Bible has been a central influence in your lives—but in a very different way. In truth, you inhabit very different Biblical worlds. Both of you are giants, dare I say nephilim [giants; see Genesis 6:4; Numbers […]

Another Temple to the Israelite God
Aramaic Hoard Documents Life in Fourth Century B.C. By André Lemaire

The scholarly world is abuzz. During at least the past 20 years, and more likely during the last 33 years, more than a thousand potsherds inscribed in Aramaic have come onto the antiquities market. About 800 of these have now been published.1 They are richly informative—one inscribed sherd even refers to a previously unknown […]

Cerveteri, Italy (ancient Etruria)


An Open Book
Israel Museum Renovates Shrine of the Book By Judith Sudilovsky
Digging up Ancient Tiberias
An International Team Begins Ten-Year Project
Avner Raban: An Appreciation
Explored Caesarea Harbor By Kenneth G. Holum
Dan Urman, 1945–2004
Studied Synagogues and the Golan By Victor Hurowitz