
Power Houses
The Seaside Villas of Stabiae By Thomas Noble Howe

Lying in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, or at least in the shadow of the eruption cloud of 79 A.D., only three miles south of Pompeii, is a little-known but spectacular archaeological site: the sea-edge villas of Stabiae. Stabiae is home to a group of enormous villae marittimae, which are set on a […]

The Last Days of Hattusa
The Mysterious Collapse of the Hittite Empire By Trevor Bryce

From his capital, Hattusa, in central Anatolia, the last-known Hittite king, Suppiluliuma II (1207 B.C.-?), ruled over a people who had once built a great empire—one of the superpowers (along with Egypt, Mittani, Babylon and Assyria) of the Late Bronze Age. The Kingdom of the Hittites, called Hatti, had stretched across the face […]

Digs 2005
Experience the Past!

After covering so many distressing stories about the looting of some of the world’s most ancient archaeological sites, we are pleased to turn to a brighter task: putting together Archaeology Odyssey’s sixth annual Digs List.


Editors’ Page: We’ll Keep to the Mainstream
Exploring the Roots of Western Culture By Jack Meinhardt
Origins: On Nothing
The simple discovery of zero radically changed how we imagine and act on the world.
Past Perfect: In Pursuit of Minoan Crete
American archaeologist Harriet Boyd Hawes ventures into the masculine world of Mediterranean archaeology.
Horizons: The Cosmic Mountain: Borobudur
On the Indonesian island of Java stands the world’s largest Buddhist monument, the still center of our changing universe.
Ancient Life: Practical Papyrus
The Plant with a Thousand Uses