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See Victor Hurowitz, “Solomon’s Temple in Context,” BAR, 37:2.
See “The Samaria Ivories—Phoenician or Israelite,” BAR, 43:05.
Lawrence E. Stager, “Shemer’s Estate,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 227/228 (1990), p. 99.
Ron E. Tappy, The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria, Volume I, Early Iron Age Through the Ninth Century B.C.E., Harvard Semitic Studies 44 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992); Ron E. Tappy, The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria, Volume II, The Eighth Century B.C.E., Harvard Semitic Studies 50 (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2001).
Sir C. Leonard Woolley, Alalakh: An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937–1949, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London 18 (London: The Society of Antiquaries, 1955), pp. 116–117.
Anthony W. McNicoll, Hellenistic Fortifications from the Aegean to the Euphrates (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997).
A detailed preliminary report of them was published: John W. Crowfoot and Grace M. Crowfoot, “The Ivories from Samaria,” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 64 (1933), pp. 7–26, Plates I–III. This was followed by a somewhat less detailed “final report” volume: John W. Crowfoot and Grace M. Crowfoot, Early Ivories from Samaria, Samaria-Sebaste: Reports of the Work of the Joint Expedition in 1931–1933 and of the British Expedition in 1935, vol. 2 (London: Palestine Exploration Fund, 1938).