
Silent at the tent door By Elie Wiesel

Joshua, the perfect disciple. Obedient and humble. The man whose devotion to his master can serve as an example to all. God’s chosen, just as Moses had been. The servant become leader, whom God and Moses do not cease to encourage—so much so that we wonder why he had such a need. Is it […]

Fallen Star
The evolution of Lucifer By Ronald F. Youngblood

I first heard the word “lucifer” when I was a small child. My grandfather was warning me about the dangers of those long wooden matches tipped with antimony sulfide and potassium chlorate. He called them “lucifers.” Needless to say, at that time I had no idea that “lucifer” was a word of Latin derivation […]

Paul’s Contradictions
Can they be resolved? By John G. Gager

If we look at Paul’s letters, it is not difficult to pull out what on the surface appear to be directly opposing views, anti- and pro-Israel: I. Anti-Israel: • “All who rely on works of the law are under a curse” (Galatians 3:10). • “No one is justified before God by the law” (Galatians […]

If only Paul had used The Chicago Manual of Style By Roger L. Omanson

Bible scholars, as BR readers know all too well, spend a lot of time quibbling over what the Bible says. Many of the disagreements arise because we do not have a single original text to work from. For the New Testament, the earliest manuscripts date to around 200 C.E., but they are only a […]

Santa and His Asherah

The ancient Near Eastern roots of American Yuletide customs are manifold and fascinating. I will concentrate here on just two major points: that the Christmas tree was originally a symbol of the Canaanite goddess Asherah and that Santa Claus is an avatar of Asherah’s consort, the high god ‘El, who is equivalent to the […]


Why Did Jesus Write on the Ground? By Hershel Shanks
Feeling Love and Doing Love
New Testament love demands more than Christmas sentimentality By Anthony J. Saldarini
Getting Back to the Garden of Eden
The Hebrew Bible suggests three possible ways to attain immortality By Ronald S. Hendel
Elijah and the crow By Anna Kamieńska