Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land
Members of the BAS Library now have unlimited access to this incredible resource. This fully searchable, digital edition of the encyclopedia includes sites from both Israel and Jordan, and covers sites and discoveries relevant to both the New Testament and the Hebrew Bible, as well as excavations from earlier and later periods. Also included are articles on special topics such as Judean Hiding Complexes and Marine Archaeology.
This fifth volume of the NEAEHL, published in 2008 by the Israel Exploration Society and the Biblical Archaeology Society, updates the original entries from the first four volumes published in 1993 and adds many new ones.
Almost all of the entries are written by the archaeologists who directed the excavations:
Hazor Amnon Ben-Tor | Ashkelon Lawrence Stager |
Dan the late Avraham Biran | Dor Ephraim Stern |
Jerusalem Ronny Reich, Eilat Mazar and others | Herodium & Masada the late Ehud Netzer |
Megiddo David Ussishkin, Israel Finkelstein | Tel Mique/Ekron Trude Dothan, Seymour Gitin |
In all more than 160 archaeologists contributed entries to this massive work.
Also included is a useful glossary of technical, geographic and architectural terms, as well as valuable appendices, such as chronological tables, lists of rulers and convenient summaries of the various prehistoric and historical eras covered in the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia is also linked to BAR articles.
Encyclopedia Topics
- Dedication
- Copyright
- Editorial
- Editor’s Foreword
- Introduction
- Users’ Guide
- Alphabetical List of Authors
- Alphabetical List of Entries
- Abbreviations
- Color Plates
- Abu Hawam, Tell
- Acco
- Achzib
- Aḥwat, El-
- ‘Ajjul, Tell El-