Biblical Archaeology Review, July/August 2011

Conversion, Crucifixion and Celebration
St. Philip’s Martyrium at Hierapolis draws thousands over the centuries
Francesco D’Andria
The apostle Philip was hung on a tree upside down with irons in his heels and ankles in Hierapolis in Asia Minor.
Well-Hidden Ivories Surface at Nimrud
Ivories from Nimrud VI: Ivories from the North West Palace (1845–1992)
New Synagogue Excavations In Israel and Beyond
2It seems like almost everywhere archaeologists dig in the eastern Galilee these days, they are coming up with ancient synagogues.
Isaiah Among the Scrolls
In 011, more than 60 years after the first seven Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by the Bedouin in what became known as Qumran Cave 1, a splendid new edition of the Great Isaiah Scroll—1QIsaa, in more technical language—has been published in the official scroll series, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (DJD). It is […]
Zincirli, Turkey
The Bible in the News
30 A.D.—A Miraculous Vintage
Leonard J. Greenspoon